# Maker Faire Bay Area 2024 We (I, more precisely) exhibited [[AfterAI Flaps]] at Maker Faire Bay Area 2024 and won the Editor's Choice prize at the end of the show! ![[EditorsChoiceMakerFaireBayArea2024.jpg]] (Picture: me holding the Editor's Choice Prize at our booth) Many people came to our booth to enjoy the old-but-new split-flap displays. Some kids were playing for about an hour with our message board demo to show their names and video game related stuff :D ![[PreShowMakerFaireBayArea2024.png]] (Picture: Casually explaining how it works at the pre-show time) I visited last year's Maker Faire Bay Area and got impressed by a lot. It is at that time, when I decided to come back as an exhibitor next year. Yes, I made the dream come true. ![[BestPicMakerFaireBayArea2023.jpg]] (Picture: This robot impressed me a lot at Maker Faire Bay Area 2023) I walked back to my Airbnb place from the event location. Looking back the event site from the bridge, I deepened my determination to come back again. I could truly feel that I am creatively living my life. I hope that I could also rekindle the fire of creativity in the visitors' hearts with my presentation. See you again, Mare Island! ![[LookingBackMareIslandMakerFaireBayArea2024.jpg]] (Picture: Mare Island Naval Shipyard, where the wonderful event happens) ### Other Interesting Booths - [ReflectionsOS](https://github.com/frankcohen/ReflectionsOS): Open source wristwatch hardware and software. Frank is a really nice and tech savvy guy. His watch was using almost the same chip as AfterAI Flaps and his advice opened new opportunities for our project. Big up to him👍 His Facebook: [Frank Cohen](https://www.facebook.com/frankcohen2000) ![[MakerFaireBayArea2024ReflectionsOS.png]] - [Hip Monsters](https://www.hipmonsters.com/): A family of girls started creating steampunk stuff in the pandemic time. They turned the difficult time into a great opportunity to seed the future possibilities. I saw their robots and the presentations firsthand and realized their trees are growing really big. I suggest everyone to keep an eye on them!👀 Faye, the mom's LinkedIn: [Faye Harris, MS, CPCC, PCC](https://www.linkedin.com/in/fayeharris?miniProfileUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_miniProfile%3AACoAAAAsJ1MBB2vW3X6p6Eg9t6RC5hSNhGsVD1g) ![[MakerFaireBayArea2024HipMonsters.png]] - [Challenge Club](https://challenge-club.connpass.com/): Many kids were gathering around their claw crane game🧸. They were also showing the AI-game/art work, in which the AI plays Tetris to draw a picture of one of the popular character from Japan (so, their objective is not winning the Tetris game.) I've got to say it is a really cool way of leveraging AI to entertain us, human beings! Seigo, one of the main creators of the club's LinkedIn: [takada seigo](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ACoAABUfiNgB3F_Q6iIq7BLrf_DtIFM75Xub1Qk?miniProfileUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_miniProfile%3AACoAABUfiNgB3F_Q6iIq7BLrf_DtIFM75Xub1Qk) ![[MakerFaireBayArea2024ChallengeClub.png]] - [RumiCar](https://www.rumicar.com/en/our-project/): Have you ever dreamed about running your miniature cars autonomously? RumiCar team was demonstrating self-driving toy cars in a portable circuit. The cars have multiple distance sensing PCBs on the hood as well as the central compute PCB on the roof. You can access their resourceful GitHub repository to make your own! Rumika Chiba, the founder of RumiCar's LinkedIn Link: [Rumika Chiba](https://www.linkedin.com/in/rumikachiba?miniProfileUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_miniProfile%3AACoAACM-MFEBY62xe27l0rnQ3BStIggyUz-eK2Q) ![[MakerFaireBayArea2024RumiCar.png]] ### AfterAI Online Store - [AfterAI Online Store](https://shop.afterai.dev/): You can order AfterAI Flaps here! ![[AfterAIFlapsProgramming.jpg]]